Title: Wasted A Series of Drabbles.
rockandrollrockRating: PG-12, no cursing, but death.
Pairing: Pete/Aslee, Ryden, Pete/OFC, Joncer. Other characters: Various OC's, Gabe Saporta.
Disclaimer: This is sooo fake, I Don't own the Boys in bands, Ashlee Simpson, or the song...I do however own Jennie, David, Chase, Petey (yeah right), and "the girls"
Warnings: Death. VERY AU, None of this happened, I don't think. Mentions of Ashlee, Marrige, kids.
Additional notes: Ryan and Brendon's twins are ADOPTED. there was no M-preg involved. ;D
It's 2:45, the baby takes his first breath
The mother never knew he only had a few left and
The father gets a call in the middle of the night
His breath gets short and his chest gets tight
Pete Wentz sits in the waiting room of the hospital, they'd done everything they could, but the tiny boy (Jennie had named him David.) was too small and too sick to live. He gets up and goes down the hall to the room Jennie is in, he sits next to the bed in an ugly green chair. "I'm sorry." he shakes his head looking at her, she's crying silently. "I'm sorry...I...I never meant for any of this to happen." he stands up, kissing her head before he left the room, for the last time.
This is the beginning.
But he's 16, and he's driving too fast
Takes a turn to the left, it would be his last
Nobody knows what happens if he turns to the right
Nobody in the car would've died that night
Four-year old Spencer Smith looks out the window waiting for his older brother, Chase, to come home, He's bouncing on the couch coushins,wearing his favorite blue and green dinosaur footie pajamas. His father yells at him to get down and go to bed.
"But I wanna wait for Chase daddy!" he giggled as he was lifted into his fathers arms.
His father shakes his head "It's already almost nine, Chase wont be home 'til very late. Off to bed with you." He sets Spencer down on the bottom stair, the small boy climbing them as fast as he could, he couldn't wait to see his big brother in the morning and ask him what a date was.
In the morning when he wakes up however, his Mother tells him that Chase wont be coming home.
Spencer is heartbroken.
But he's 32 and invincible.
The cancer he had it was visceral
He never saw it coming...thought he had his whole life
Sick in the morning and he died in the night.
Gabriel Eduardo Saporta wakes up on Friday morning with a headache, a cough, and a stiffness in his legs. He does the show that night anyway, falling asleep on the bus nearly as soon as he's on it, he never wakes up again. The Sassy Back 3 tour is cancelled, so is the third Cobra album.
Cobra Starship fizzles into Oblivion.
7 years old, got his bat in his hand
He’s looking for his father and he doesn't understand
'Cause dad's too busy, got some deals on the way
His son sits alone as the children play
Petey's dad told him that he'd be at his very first little league game! Petey was so excited, he waited, and waited, then mommy and sister showed up, but where was daddy? when the game was over Petey got in mommy's car and bit his lip, Daddy had never showed up.
Late, late, later that night, way after his bedtime he heard his dad walk into the kitchen and mommy start to yell.
"Today was his Game Pete! He wanted you to be there! You don't know what it's like to see your son cry at dinner because his Daddy doesn't love him."
Petey could hear Daddy's voice boom loud above Mommy's.
"I do love him Ashlee! I was busy today! I have lots of things to do!"
Daddy's voice softened slightly as Mommy started crying, "I forgot his game was today Ash..."
A loud crack echoed through the house...
Petey Cries.
And he's 18 he couldn't wait to move out
His parents wonder what all the rush is about
They never bothered with his dreams
Only thinking of theirs.
Wonders why he doesn't call and why he doesn't care
Brendon Urie "moved out" but really he ran away, it wasn't the first time, but it would most definately be the last, he smiled to himself, he was finally 18 and finally free. Finally free to be himself, finally free to be out of the closet, finally free to love, Finally, finally free to be happy. Dropping his bag in the passenger seat he smiled, knowing that beautiful things would come tomorrow, and if not tomorrow...soon.
But he's 32 and invincible
With everything he is based on principle
He never had a truly happy moment in his life
He didn't want the kids and he didn't want his wife.
Pete Stared at Ashlee as his hand flew up to his cheek, his eyes narrowed and he pushed her back against the refridgerator
"You don't want me here? Fine, I'll leave." He walked upstairs, seeing Petey peeking out of his bedroomm, eyes huge and tearfilled, he sighed shaking his head as he walked into his bedroom. Coming out with his suitcase packed he looked at Petey one last time.
"I'll see you later kiddo." Ruffling the boys hair before he left.
He inhales, exhales, gets in the car, looks up and sees an old picture of him and Patrick, he smiles, he's going to be ok. Pete Wentz is going to be Happy.
23 now got his life in his hands
He's looking all around and he doesn't understand
'Cause life's too busy, things get in the way
We all feel alone every single day
Ryan Ross frowns, he's just closed on his third house, why isn't he happy?
He looks down and sees his hands, bare. Sighing he looks up, his eyes landing on someone he's known for years, someone he's sure he could love, if he tried.
Ryan Ross smiles, walks over, kisses Brendon Urie.
Ryan Ross will never be alone again.
And I'm 18 couldn't wait to move out
It's been 5 years and now I'm starting to doubt...
Whether all my dreams are just aimless stares
Looking off to someplace that isn't there
Brendon Urie looks out between to two heavy oak doors, he's wearing his white tux and his shoes were freshly shined just for the occasion.
Jon looks at Brendon and Grins "Are you ready, Bride Brendon?" Jon lets out a soft chuckle, the knot in Brendon's stomach loostens, he smiles, nods.
Jon walks him down the aisle Ryan's at the end of it, Grinning. Brendon Grins back and the knot dissolves, he takes Ryan's hand.
Jon sits next to Spencer, their fingers curling around eachother on the bench, Spencer Smiles, his heart heals.
Brendon stutters over his vows, acctdentally steps on Ryan's foot, bites his cheek, his lip, his nails. He's married.
Ryan Ross kisses his bride.
When I'm 32 will I be miserable?
With everything around based on principle
Will I have a clue, oh wouldn't it be nice
to never be alone in this wasted life.
Ryan Pouts, "Brendon, I'm getting old! Look!" he holds something in front of Brendon's face "a gray hair!"
Brendon smiles, chuckles low in his belly, pulls Ryan into a soft kiss and shakes his head. "Just imagine how many gray hairs you'll get when the girls become teenagers..."
Ryan looks over at the two little girls in their playpen and smiles at Brendon "I'm happy that we're a family... I'm happy you're my family."
Brendon smiles, nods, "me too." He's been free to be happy, but now. he is