i'm actually updating!

Nov 13, 2005 22:48

you may die of shock now. haha. the thing that sucks is that when i actually have the time (or take the time, whatev) to update, i generally don't have much to say.

i had a three day weekend. not because we get veteran's day off, only because i worked my ass off for weeks on end so they decided to give me a three day weekend to reward me. then tried to call me in on friday and succeeded in calling me in on saturday. bastards. i'm not on call here bitches. this is not a hospital, it is a pharmacy. and what hell it is. cassidy knows. i can hardly wait for the first of the year when medicare part d starts. ::eye roll::

friday i spent almost all of at nina's with her and kyle and sachie. it was awesome. didn't do much. didn't have to. awesome.

saturday i went in to work for a couple of hours to type for the flu clinic. then i got chinese food and brought it to my honey and hung out with him until he had to go to work. i got in a fight with my moms (we need to move out, anyone know of cheap one bedroom apts?) so sachie came over and then we went to vic's. we drove around land park and then drove around the fab 40s. it was fun and much-needed talk time. then my lovalova and i watched van wilder and then it was on comedy central. blast! (imagine i said it like stewie).

today was awesome. we lazed around alllll day eating and loving. watched flight of the phoenix which... i dunno. andrew made me watch it. it was an amazing story about succeeding against all odds and blahblahblah but it wasn't really my cup of tea. i like funny tea. it was the first time in many many moons that we just got to spend the day together. i guess i should be grateful that after nearly a year and a half of being together we still want to spend the whole day together haha. then we baked cookies and watched the new family guy and i just love him. he's my perfect match and blahblahblah gushgush but hey what can ya do? i quote brand new: you're just jealous 'cause we're young and in love. or should i say b-nizzle? ;o)

lots of fun in recent weeks, coheed was awesome in sf. j.hau's (<--that's how you are in my phone lol) man is wonderful and has my seal of approval so long as he treats her right because girls don't get much cooler. i am the avalanche show was good too and andrew got all fanboy on dude from the movie life which was cute to watch. drunkass sonya on halloween and running into everyone and their mom. people from high school and even people from ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. weird.

looking forward to turkey day. it'll be my first one with my love because i had to work thanksgiving last year. then christmas in west virginia with the churchy mcchurches. they're anti: tattoos, piercings, california, rock music. they are going to LOVE me.

bored bored bored. but now am beyond the "i'm bored, i think i'll update" to "i'm so bored i don't feel like doing anything except bugging my boyfriend while he's playing video games about how bored i am."

or maybe robot chicken is on and i can stop bitching and start watching.

andrew and i want to do a show similar to that. and start a clothing company. and make movies. and open a venue. someday! haha

seacrest out.
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