The Summer Holidays

Aug 15, 2009 09:46

 Ok, so it's two weeks later and I'm back! I got back yesterday and did make it to the gig :) More about that later. 
I arrived at Cambridge in the evening to find out that I was going to be taken to Arrmen's by a parents' friend's son who I had never seen in my entire life XD He was rough looking and a little bit chavvy but the journey down there was doable and I survived! He turned out to be quite nice and we talked quite a bit on the journey. It was very good of him to offer to drive an hour out the way for my parents. (He gets his petrol free with his job!) It was strange for the first night to be in a different place, and it took me a day to adjust but I absolutely loved my visit and I didn't want to leave. Kew Gardens was really nice, it rained but this just meant that it was completely deserted :) Was really nice to stay there anyway, I had a really fantastic time.



After Arrmen's I caught the train back to Cambridge and met my sister - we'd planned to stay there a couple of days as a holiday before I went home. Didn't do anything terribly exciting but Cambridge is the sort of place where you can just wander around and you're entertained. We did a bit of shopping (as girls do) and looked around a church or two. On the last night we went to the cinema to see 'The Proposal' which was surprisingly good considering it was the only thing on the film list that we didn't think would be too horrendous. I liked the film and it was very funny. The worst thing about Cambridge is the BIKES. I know that it's a signature thing that Cambridge has bikes but I nearly had several accidents and 98% of the time they pretty much ignored the signs on the paths which separated the bikers from the pedestrians which was dangerous and irritating >_> I got worn out just looking out for them in case I got knocked over!! But yeah, Cambridge was awesome and I'd definitely go again :) (With a bit more money!)


After Cambridge we went home for a day to pack for Cornwall. 
On the journey down we travelled around 5 hours to Bath to stay over and then the other 3 hours the next day. The traffic was bad for an hour of the first 5 hours so it seemed to take forever to get to Bath. Bath was interesting, it wasn't how I'd expected. Whilst we were there we visited the Roman Baths and the fashion museum which was pretty cool. The baths were awesome, it felt like you'd stepped onto a film set :) After we'd stayed a night in Bath we travelled down to Polzeath; such a relief to finally arrive, it seems to take forever to get down there! We didn't stay in Polzeath itsself but the next town along, St. Minver. I didn't get chance to explore St. Minver much while I was there but I've been round before, my Grandparents used to always stay there instead of Polzeath when we used to come. 
Most of the holiday consisted of something in the day then surfing in the evening, after the crowds had gone and when (hopefully) the waves were a bit better. We biked to Padstow on one day, which was a blast from the past - everything's still the same but everywhere seems that bit more busy XD I feel a bit boring going on about where we went but nothing out of the ordinary happened to be honest and it was the most normal holiday ever XD I got told off in a cafe for having my feet on another chair, which made me feel stupid cos everyone looked! Most nights in the week when we went surfing we saw two photographers taking pictures of bikini models in the sea - on a nice evening walk one night we looked over the cliff and there was a freaking topless model draped over a rock having her pictures taken (which I'm sure must have caused some accidents!) The men around all pretended to 'look at the view' whilst oggling wheras the women just rolled their eyes and carried on walking :P 
There's been a shop in Polzeath for as long as I can remember called Polzeath Puzzles which (if you didn't guess) is a puzzle shop. It solt handmade crafts as well, all made by this old guy who sat and grinned from his counter. Me and Nicola took a walk round the back on the way to the puzzle shop and to our dismay it's completely shut down D: it was a sad time. I don't know why it closed but it's not there any more. 
On the way back from Cornwall we did the journey all in one - we didn't stay overnight anywhere. It took from 9am to about 5pm which wasn't too bad a run, there was virtually no traffic and it was quiet on the roads. I got home in time to have a shower, get ready and go out to the gig which I'd wanted to get back for XD



The gig last night was awesome! Never seen the Strollers before and by their name I thought their music would be quite steady but I was surprised as it was pretty fast and I jived a lot. I'm glad I managed to get back in time for it because it was one of the best I've been to, I had a fantastic time.

Anyway, I'd best be off!


rockabilly roar cornwall surfing cambrid

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