How strange.... I've decided to update for my first time in forever.
So, here she goes!
I'm in my last part of my Interior Decorating program... *stressed out*... I have to design a kitchen by monday and it's just a lot to do. I feel like I should set up a tent at Home Depot and just live there since I'm there so much.
Living with Sam, Erin and Mike is going pretty well for the most part. Sam, Mike and I even plan on living together next year when we move to Alberta which is pretty nice.
We just had HALLOWEENYFEST on saturday. It was pretty good for what I remember. I was so happy that Stephanie Joudrey showed up cause she is the best. And thanks so much Britt for stayin in the bathroom with me during my wanting to puke stage, Oh... and for cleaning the toilet.. haha.
I ended up passing out in bed... and.. stayed out all night. Good sleep.
Somehow I took off my fishnet pantyhose and heels and got my pants back on... without remembering. I'm pretty impressed I actually put my pants back on.
Next party possibly in December... some... Holiday inspired party... Too much booze, no parties in November.
Mike and I are together now, well... it's not really a new thing.. but new since the last time I posted. Things are pretty good.
I need a job. I wish the job I was given at Bluenotes for Visual Merchandiser could have been put on hold for a month so I could actually have taken it. :| Guh. Oh well, now I have to look for something more along the lines of... call center... or.. prolly nothing to do with my course cause I just straight up need money. Student loans are gonna stress me out for a very long time.
Wow... i can't believe I'm using LJ again.
Obviously I am lonely.
Umm.. so here are some pictures from recent things... concerning my life...
My guinea pig, Schnitzel
Erin, Me and Steph at Halloweenyfest.
My beautiful halloween decorating. I take pride.
Mike, Sammy, and I! <3 them all.
Sammy and I.... <3
Erin, Me and Steph at Halloweenyfest again.