Jul 26, 2005 09:43
I forget to write in here for months at a time, and then when I AM online and remember my LJ, i can't think of much of interest to type. BUT! This time, though I am late in getting the news to you, I have the following to report:
We had dinner at Jesse Hickman's restaurant Why Not one night in May, i think it was, and this dude came and talked to our friend Donald for a while... when he left the table, D asked Lindsey and I if we'd ever heard of a little family called the Hapsburgs. We replied that we certainly had. "That fellow," Donald imparted, "is the great-grandson of Archduke Franz Ferdinand." ...geh-whaaatt?
L's mom and sister came to visit us a few weeks ago. It was a really fun week of dining out and seeing the sights here in Tetey. We were enjoying some cold sodas and beers at a favorite local place with a great view of the river and the bridge with our friend Shaun and various other S. Africans and Zimbabweans. Among their party was an exceptionally vivacious black-haired woman who lives out at Cahora Bassa -- Marie, I believe her name was. Marie was enjoying a bottle of white wine with a friend when the subject of the aforementioned restaurant (Why Not) came up. "Mugabe was there two weeks ago," she said, and proceeded to recount how Mr. Robert Mugabe, current 'president' of Zim, had an army of private vehicles FLOWN IN to Tete's airport just so he could meet with provincial energy managers. Dude's crazy. CRAZY
Now, I spent the majority of last week kickin' it like an African urbanite down in Maputo. What a breath of fresh air... really dirty, more likely, but I had a grand time. Favorite moments: incredible seafood lunch with Sergio at a restaurant on the Costa do Sol, shopping in the Polana Center [not to mention going into the pretty-things-store with Zoe and gawking shamelessly], watching TV (go ahead and make fun), ice cream dinner at Gianni's punctuated by an Amanda-Laine-Katie reunion, and Isadora making me tea after I almost passed out when she drew blood for the bilharzia test. That was a niiiiice week.
This week is going to be a bit more of a challenge given the fact that my bag (complete w/ keys, wallet, camera, etc.) was stolen while I was out at a discoteca on Saturday night,
but fuck it,
G is bringing me fresh strawberries from Malawi next week.
A vida é bela.