Let's face it kids

Feb 23, 2008 17:52

Spreading rumors is just retarded.
I'm honestly tired of the drama brought forth by
one group in particular. For what ever reason they
feel the need to put together a "story" to feed
to their degenerate friends. "Did you know that
so and so likes so and so?!" I never made any
suggestion, or so much as thought that someone
were interested in me, or that I am interested
in them. This friend of mine (who I am almost
certain hates me with every fiber in his being),
was being taunted constantly with this false
accusation. Because I believe they get some sort
of sick thrill out of spreading or creating rumors
my boyfriend is uneasy about me speaking to my friend
who has NO FEELINGS FOR ME at all. How fucking
mature that it needs to escalate to the point that I
can't speak with someone who I have very many things
in common with and find interesting? I am so infuriated
at the idea that people think I'm some sort of
unfaithful girlfriend and conspiring with this guy.
I'm not tired, I'm beyond exhausted by the comment that
seems to come up every time I am anywhere near this person
"Don't trust Keren with him". As if he and I would
take over the world together, if it weren't for those pesky
rumor spreading imbeciles.
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