~*Your Character*~
Robert Kilroy
Musical (Technically a concept album/concept tour, but...)
Kilroy Was Here/Caught In the Act
At 36 years old, Kilroy's curls are nearly completely gray. He stands at 5'11, medium build and hazel eyes.
Witty, charming, talented are what the interviewers and reporters used to say about Robert Kilroy, singer, songwriter, pianist, guitarist, you name it, he's played it. But after five years in Righteous' prison, forcibly divorced from his wife of 9 years and unable to watch his daughter grow up, Kilroy had all but given up his last shred of hope for anything good and decent in the world when Jonathan Chance hacked into Righteous' video station and played a portion of one of his last concerts. His imprisonment has turned him cynical and moody, often coupled with depression and night terrors. The "rehabilitation" given to the prisoners guilty of the playing and purveying of rock music or any other art of an "undignified manner" as restricted by Doctor Righteous and the members of the Majority for Musical Morality is nothing more than brain washing and Kilroy has struggled with resisting it. He has bouts of amnesia, forgetting where or who he is. They don't last for very long and he usually sits quietly, as he would in prison, adjusting to his seemingly new reality. Psychosomatic pains also occur when he thinks of anything in violation with Righteous' rules: sex, rock and roll, rebelling against the establishment. However, he has adapted as best he can in prison and has his gallows' humor to rely on, even if such behavior does get him in trouble. He tends to be closed off and mistrustful, but with new hope brings new life and slowly Kilroy's old self is beginning come through again since having heard Jonathan's message.
None. Excellent singer and proficient musician, one of rock's most popular acts, even as Righteous' strangling grip on rock and roll tightened. He's good with mechanics, and a quick learner.
Canon Point:
Just before meeting Jonathan Chance in the Paradise Theater turned "Dr. Righteous' Museum of Rock History" and telling him about the night he was arrested.
Character Journal: