Nov 10, 2004 14:19
i had a day? yesterday? of lots of playing music and practicing, and stuff, hanging out in the music building WAY too often...but that's cool...went to bdubs with bryce once again...
oh so this girl i know? that i really respected? just said something i couldn't even believe that she said. i don't even want to journal about it, if i even do, until i get my head together.
so those dreams i was having? i'm having new ones about a different person... wierd.
um, two major problems i have with peoples christianity here at cornerstone:
#1) the whole precious-moments-ism -- warm/fuzzy christianity, a feel good religion. shouldn't God be worth more than that to you?
#2) holier-than-thou pharisaical mindset - Phil. 2:3? maybe?
i love the Lord, i love my friends, my real friends, i love all of you? i love music. i dig music.