Chillin' like a villian

Feb 02, 2007 16:11

Alas, my journal has not been updated in an eternity. So, mine as well give it a spin eh? Life has been pretty exciting lately, considering I got hired at Cedar Point as a food host. wooooo. I've been telling everyone and I'm sure they're tired of hearing it, but oh well, I'm pumped haha.

Other than that, school has been pretty good. It's bone-chillingly cold, which makes walking to class sometimes a begrudging task. All of my professors are pretty cool, even though my bio professor is incredibly hard to understand at times and that class moves incredddibly slowww. My Abnormal Psych teacher is interesting haha.

Work is going well, my schedule consists of: Monday: afternoon and evening class, Tuesday: morning class, Wednesday: afternoon class, evening class, Thursday: morning class, evening class, Friday: work, Saturday: work, Sunday: work. It's pretty fun. But I'm making pretty good money and I like the guys I work with, so I can't complain.

I think that we didn't get too much of a winter until January. Then winter was like "woahh, time to catch the fuck up." And it has, very much so. It's been below freezing most of the time and it is currently snowing. Winter has only been here for a month and I'm already tired of it haha.

Well, I have work today at 5, so I should get ready and everything. I hope you all enjoyed reading my entry of amazingness.
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