Sorry bout the phone call and meeting you. Some decisions you just don't make.

Sep 12, 2006 20:50

As for now, the weather outside is frighteningly growing nearer to winter time, but we have Fall in between there! So that makes everything all good.

As for the life of yours truly, it is going well. Classes at Macomb started the 23rd of August and I like it thus far. I'm only taking two courses (pysch 1010 and ENGL 1210) because I planned to work full time, but things have been slow where I work. But hey, it's a job, and money. I can't complain. I had my first exam in psych, in which I studied quite a lot for, so I should have done pretty well on it.

I get paid Thursday. I'm pumped.

So here's the schedule

Tommorow: school and after that, nothing
Thursday: Pick up the check, then nothing
Friday: work until 2am
Saturday: nothing
Sunday: work, then nothing

Let me know if you'd like to fill in a nothing for me =)
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