Jul 04, 2009 09:30
i went to college orientation at temple. it was actually a lot of fun and better than i had expected. i made a lot of new friends that are tyler students as well as living in peabody next year. im a little nervous about what to expect now that im in college. (meaning the work load and personality of my professors) but hopefully ill be okay. i really cant wait to go to tyler though.
in the fall semester, i have mostly art classes (drawing, 2d and 3d), art history and an english.
i also get out at 11:30 on thursdays with no class on fridays... so i basically have a 3.5 day weekend every week.
i have a 5 hour drawing/3d class though. we will see how that goes.
im already going to be behind in school now because after my placement test, i was put into the lowest/remedial english class. i really cant understand why because i was in honors english all throughout high school where i maintained a's and b's, maybe it was the pressure of the test and being there? i dont know. all i know is im upset. the worst part is, the one english class is required and i cant take it because i wasnt 'smart enough' to be placed in there. the one required class is also a gateway to another required class. so now i am behind. i talked to my advisor about maybe switching out of it or perhaps switching to 18 credits this semester and she wouldnt let me do anything. she basically just sat there on her fat ass and shook her head. i want to switch my advisor because she was a complete b. i even asked how would i fix this problem down the road and all she told me was "idk... summer classes...?" thanks. at least other people i know that seemed to have a head on their shoulders/used to be in honors (someone even in AP) were put in remedial english.
they just want our money, im sure.
i cant even imagine how i did on math.