Mar 02, 2007 18:13
1. Who (or what event) has had the biggest impact on the person you are today?
this is definitely a hard question to answer because so many things have had such a big impact on my life, however; i will have to say meeting demms and being friends with rose bender for so long because they are the only ones that let you just be who you are, they've taught me so many things because they each have a unique addicting personality, this past summer i've learned the most about myself than i ever have before because of them. i honestly think they've made me a better person, and it's even better because i know all 4 of them love me unconditionally.
2. What was your first kiss like?
my first kiss was scary, i won't say who it was with, but just that it happened in the woods at a football game and i can happily laugh about it today. it was a mediocre first kiss. and pretty cute.
3. If you could relive 24 hour period (think Groundhog's Day) which would you choose?
i would re-live the time rose, kristen, cristina, me, justine, bill, bryan and eric all went to justine's shore house, or when a certain 3 people were trippppppin' and T called everyone's cellphones and we went to magical field with 40's. those were 2 of my favorite days ever. they were hilarious as always too.
4. What band is your guilty pleasure?
i feel like most people would say the fact that i still listen to the backstreet boys and love them is a guilty pleasure, but i'm not embarrassed by it, so maybe i'll have to go with fall out boy on this one. they're kinda gay now, but i still kinda like them.
5. If you could place yourself in any movie which would you pick?
i'd definitely pick "it's pat" if you haven't seen it you have to. it's my favorite movie of all time and ween is in it, so that makes it double awesome. haha.