(no subject)

Dec 05, 2005 23:50

Open iTunes/iPod, Windows Media Player, or WinAmp to answer the following. Go to your library.
Answer, no matter how embarrasing it is.

How many songs: 362
Sort by song title
First Song: Across Five Aprils - Hearts Necks and Other Things That Brake
Last Song: Zao - Autopsy

Sort by time
Shortest Song: Norma Jean - its as if there was a dead man, stood apon the air
Longest Song: Norma Jean - pretty soon, i dont know what, but somethings going to happen

Sort by album:
First Album: Muse: Absolution
Last Album: Poison the Well: You Come Before You

Top Five Most Played Songs:
doesn't work in this program

First song that comes up on Shuffle: 44. Calibr Love Letter : Alexisonfire

How many songs come up when you search...
- sex: 0
- death: 15
- love: 22
- you: 79

...and im done.
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