Loser Like Me

Mar 16, 2011 16:00

Hey, I'm actually going to talk about my thoughts on last night's Glee! I don't usually do this because Glee is definitely a roll-with-the-punches kind of show, but I do have some thinky-thoughts. Plus I had to call in sick to work today because I'm losing my voice and since my entire job revolves around talking on the phone all day, the day off gives me more time in my day.

My favorite thing about Glee last night was their performance of Loser Like Me. Rachel's first song, lyrically, was whatever, but I enjoy Rachel when she's trying to figure out all her feelings and I'll listen to Lea Michele sing anything. I guess for a high school student it was good? But it was Loser Like Me that I am absolutely in love with. Everything about that song resonated so much with my high school self, and that is the reason why I love Glee so much. I can relate so much to these characters. While I think the show certainly shuffles away a lot from the theme that these are kids who are outcasts trying to figure out who they are and that's it okay to whatever you want to be, it still hasn't forgotten that completely.

This may sounds strange, but in high school I identified as a loser. I had a patch on my backpack that said 'loser' on it and I embraced that term. My friends and I were very much outcasts. We were all very different from each other even, racially, socially, economically, but, much like the Glee kids, it was our differences that made us special in our eyes. We were picked on and teased for just being ourselves, so at some point I embraced those differences and made it my own. In my senior art class we were assigned a self-portrait assignment. Wat we did, though, was not draw or paint ourselves as we viewed, but the teacher took pictures of us then changed the pixels to create a fill-in-the-spaces type project. We got to physically represent ourselves. This is mine:

Not the greatest thing ever, but my point is that calling myself a loser back reminds me of New Directions calling themselves loser's, and the song really exemplified what I believed in back in high school. Identifying as a loser was a positive thing for me, because I knew I was different and it didn't matter how many jokes were made at me and my friends. Last night I couldn't help but imagine what the show would have meant to me if it had been around when I was a teenager. Today the song holds so much sentimental value, but I would have made it my anthem back then. Glee is a far cry from a perfect show, but it always manages to make me feel really happy.

Other thoughts:
-I loved all the original songs! They were hilarious and amazing. Santana and Puck just make me *_______* all the time with their badass voices, hilarity, and sexiness. I lol'd when Shue gave them rhyming word books for some reason. (Side note: I'm loving the Brittany/Sanatana storyline. They're doing a great job keeping the characterizations which makes their scenes really well done. I'm excited to see how this continues to develop.)
-BLACKBIRD. ♥__________♥
-The Kurt/Blaine kiss was whatever for me. I never got on board with that ship because the writers completely failed to sell it to me. The kiss was hot and I'm happy Kurt is going to finally get some, but I just don't get it. I think they make better friends and the relationship was definitely forced by popular media. But Glee has always done that, so at least it's not BRAND NEW INFORMATION. Interested to see what happens next.
-Sue talking about how she slept with MCR's drummer. I was like...BOB? Or this new guy? Either way, it turned out she slept with Jimmy Eat World's drummer. Sue has a thing for popular rock bands, who knew? And drummers. We have that in common (Now I'm hoping they'll do Jimmy's 'Middle' at some point.)
-All of Puck's sad faces during the Warbler's performance. Puck is, surprise, my favorite character and I probably read too much into his reactions, but he clearly still misses his boy, Kurt!
-Candles was not as good as I hoped it would be. And as much as I think 'Raise Your Glass' is a song more suited for New Directions, the boys sounded great.
-New Directions group hug! Hearts in my eyes forever for these losers.

Serious thanks if you actually read all that lol.

And I just bought my tickets to see Panic! in New York on 5/24! I'll be missing the Glee season finale, but that's okay. Seeing one of my favorite bands is much more important. :D
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