I vote MFY on this fic I had a good laugh in News Writing & Reporting today. We partered up last week for an assignment where we have to write an obituary for our partner. The criteria is that we die from being hit by a meteorite, and that we have to ask friends of our partner for anecdotes and fun facts about them. So I gave my partner the names of a couple friends, and I'm not sure what questions he asked, but obviously all my friends told him that I love Panic (I had actually asked them to not tell him that I love fan fiction and slash cause...I wouldn't want that in my real obituary). Then in class today I was reading what he had already written and. My death is SO SWEET. I wish I had the actual thing so I could just copy and paste it, but I'll summarize.
Basically I'm at a Panic show with my friends, and I'm getting a water or something, when I see a meteorite coming towards me. I try and run away, but unfortunately it hits me and like, knocks me on the stage or something from sheer force, the music stops and Panic tries to help me and I DIE ON STAGE. Then he wrote this attribution of Ryan saying how he could tell I was trying to stay alive, but I just couldn't hold on. I DIE FROM GETTING HIT BY A METEORITE RIGHT IN FRONT OF RYAN ROSS. OMG. Best and most hilarious way to die.
I have so much work, but I seriously had to share. I'll see if I can get the real thing, cause I seriously laughed in class for so long.