Sep 15, 2005 15:04
Hey kids, hope everyone is well.
Just moved back home yesterday night, and finally got pretty much everything stored in my room. Tomorrow starts the mammoth emptying of boxes and general clearing out of my life. At the moment I feel like I'm carrying around all my useless crap like a snail on my back, and it makes moving so much harder, so I'm having a clear out. Plus if there's anything I can get some spondoolicks for to pay off my credit card, so much the better.
It's a horrible miserable day where I don't want to do anything except sleep. Got woken up at 8am by the plumber (thank God, otherwise I would have had to be Mum's ambassador on heckling Dad about the many problems we're having) and ended up sleeping for two hours between 11am and 1pm. Now my body clock's a bit fucked. Shall have to sort that with the aid of much carbonated soft drink.
I reckon now I'm home with nowt to do except stuff I easily put off, I should start setting myself some goals on here, because then once I've said to people I'll do such and such I'll have to do it or feel like I look a tit in front of other people. So, my mish for the rest of today is...
1. Edit 20 CD reviews (hopefully get them all done, but let's start off easy!)
2. Finish clearing downstairs so the only things of mine left down there are the SNES (which Simon has rediscovered a cricket game for) and the Playstation 2.
3. Not be tempted to get out the PS2 and play Final Fantasy all day instead.
I think that's doable, right?