THOUGHTS! I have lots of them.

Apr 16, 2011 07:23

So, a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I started watching Glee. And I'm talking a loooong time ago. Like, when it first started. I've always had a ridiculous soft spot for musical stuff mostly because I was that was my life. I really would like people to just break out into song like they do sometimes on the show.

Anyway, I had to stop because Glee clashed with NCIS and there was no way I was choosing Glee over NCIS (this was back before stupid EJ showed up, but that's a post for another time).

When I started hearing talking of this Karofsky guy, I decided I needed to see what the hype was about, so I picked it up again during the latter half of season 2 and fell in love again.

Imagine my surprise and delight to find all of season 1 on instant streaming on Netflix!

The last few nights, I've practically drowned myself in Glee and holy baby J, I am in love.

Some thoughts on Season 1:

* I may be in the minority, but I love Finchel. I have ever since the beginning, when Finn was still with Quinn and I just want them to be together so much because I FREAKIN' LOVE THEM, Y'ALL!

* I am also a fan of Quinn. I don't know if I love her or if it's just that I love Dianna Agron, but yes, and even though Quinn screwed up by sleeping with Puck and lying to Finn about the baby, it kind of broke my heart when Finn found out.

* HELLO, JESSE ST. JAMES! Y U DISAPPEAR THOUGH? Um, I'd heard people speak of this character and I was all "grr" because hello, Finchel shipper, but holy Jesus he's so cute and I want to eat him up and pet him.

* As I watch Season 2, I find myself enjoying Kurt but I can't say I really care for him in season 1. First of all, he's got an incredibly supportive father as well as a group of friends who love him for who he is and I feel like he still tries to play the victim and it irritates me. There are a lot of people who don't have your support group, buddy. Be thankful for what you do have.


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