Shopping with Inosuke and Tentsuke was certainly an...experience. (Who knew Tentsuke could get so loud?) But I'm certainly grateful for their help. ♥
After much discussing and looking and trying on things, I decided I liked
this dress that Tentsuke picked out, which is going to be dyed to the color of
this one. Isn't it such a pretty green?
Inosuke wanted me to wear red, but I held out for green.
The things I have to get used to are the fact that I can't wear my weights. At all. ;; ;; What'm I going to do? The only time I take my weights off is when I bathe, and, and, I'm going to be feeling so weird. I'll blow away on the lightest breeze! And my legs! I'm going to have to show my legs! Tentsuke and Inosuke both said I had nice legs so it wouldn't be a problem, but the sensei for the advanced kunoichi classes said that I should keep them (along with my arms) covered when undercover, because of the musculature and all the scars I've gotten from my training. (Beat on enough posts and you get LOTS of splinters...among other things.)
I'm so nervous it's not funny. ;; ;; I hope Hisagi doesn't laugh at me.
After the dress we went shoe shopping. They both said heels. I balked, saying every time I'd tried wearing heels in the past, I've broken them. And Tentsuke reminded me that I was wearing my weights then, and this time I wasn't. Still, I would need a thick-heeled pair of shoes. Inosuke vetoed my wanting to get green in favor of silver. Which struck me as odd but whatever. The shoe shopping was done quickly, with me getting
Tomorrow, I think, we're going to look at hair and makeup. The hair part should be fun; I like to play with mine when I'm not training.
I'm still wondering about the makeup part, though...