a long ass entry....

May 28, 2005 07:18

last night lance came over! i was really excited because since he doesnt go to our school anymore i havent seen him since like december. we just sat out on my deck "catching up" and talking about all the old memories we had from the beginning of the year...i missed him. we talked for like 2 and 1/2 hours almost. anyways yesterday at school, it was um okay i guess.. idk in civics we had a sub which was sweet. then in health hm we had to talk about sex education...yeahhh it rocked, jk its kinda awkward because our fourty something year-old teacher is talking about it, its odd to think that teacher's actually have lifes...anyways then in choir all the seniors were saying bye and stuff, i said goodbye to maria im gonna miss her..then in science we did nothing, our teacher ordered us pizza just because..but i had b lunch, and i kinda wanted my regular lunch...oh well. then math, and english were just stupid and terribly boring except when i was talking to matt about our stupid civics project, he soo stole my county! oh well...hm yeah well now ben white, and brad hanson (they seniors i actually do know, ben white not soo much, but still) are never to be in school again..i ended up giving brad a note for his yearbook, because i never got to sign it. he better take sam and i disc golfing soon...ha. goshh schools out in 7 days. aaron and i have started talking again, we both agree we should hang out soon. were gonna go to the movies this weekend....aaron and i havent talked in ages though, but yeah i missed talking to him and stuff..so i told him how i felt. and he agreed...and he said i was pretty cool/hot. nice..ha.

over and out.
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