Jan 26, 2005 20:14
Right then. I've been catching up on my prefect duties and I've got the night shift right after my Night Flying classes. Ugh. Hannah hasn't even done half of them with me... Merline, you lazy girl, get off your arse and help me Han! Honestly.
I've got no plans for Valentine's Day but I hear talk of a few parties brewing. Dumbledore's even having a party... however I must decline. Er. You just can't go to Dumbledore's party, it's just wrong. Yup. So, since I've no real idea of what to do I'm thinking of throwing my own get-together (word of the week!) at the Three Broomsticks. Anyone's invited; just thought I'd plan it before somebody else got there first. Butterbeer, firebeer and firewhiskey will be offered free but anything else and you're paying.
I've figured out why Susan spends so much time with the younger kids; they're totally impressionable and seem to be in awe of all the 6th years. Kevin Whitby and I have been having loads of fun together... I'm helping him work on Qudditch since he's on the team and all now. That kid sure can fly but he's a bit of a loose cannon. Anyway, a few of his friends and he are thinking of organising a little rally. They think that Snape's gone a little bit overboard with marking them down for no real reason and taking points away from anyone saying the word "Hufflepuff". So they're planning a little strike in Potions Class where they're going to basically destroy the room and then run off to seperate hiding places. I'm rooting for them. It's going to be awesome.
Helga's been acting up latley and I'm wondering if it's one of those animal-instincts you hear about all the time. Like how animals can always sense when something bad's coming... it's really starting to creep me out. She's shrieking really loudly all the time and- crying? Possibly crying it looks like? Damn, those Nifflers are human-like.
Oh! That brings me to another thing. Merline, I almost forgot.This morning at breakfeast a large barn owl flew in and nearly clipped my ear off. I had no idea who's it was; mum's got a tiny owl and Dad has an Eagle Owl. Anyway it gave me this big long envelope which I opened to reveal a large scroll of parchment, extra wide. It was a letter from the Ministry telling me how I had been accepted for an internship in Oblivation and that I'd start a course over the summer (right after school ends!) for training. If you ask me Hogwarts is training enough but they take an extra precaution when hiring students. Anyway, by the beginning of 7th Year I'll have a part time job at the Ministry which I'll have to talk over with Sprout and Dumbledore but Katie's doing it and I doubt they'll refuse after I've worked my arse off for that spot.
Who's up for some Exploding-Snapping tomorow in the common room? Susan and I are organising another tournament and so far we've only got some 3rd Years. Oh well. That suits me fine.
Oh yeah, Meg, Hannah, Justin- Dad's booked the hotel in Prague so you better owl home... He got a nice suite in the Muggle Quarter but he says that the owner himself is a Wizard which is totally rockin'. I can't wait, it's going to be AWESOME!