A comment on the
Campaign for Borders Rail's web-site from a Mr David Parker:
"I have looked at Network Rail new web site for the Borders Railway on www.bordersrailway.co.uk. I found it very interested with all the information, equipment that was used to lay the track from Airdrie - Bathgate railway line, hope that the will show in the future there lay-out of each railway station on the Border Railway as they did on the Network Rail website for the Airdrie - Bathgate as they went through the producing the railway line, but leaves room around each station to grows if found with extra people going to the stations, leaving the stations. The main problem would be with persons getting use to sound of the trains during the day, nights time as this has been found out after the railway line has been provide in the future."
I can only presumably English isn't Mr Parker's native language.