LJ paid account extension

Apr 29, 2024 17:06

Some of my regular readers may have seen the poll I posted in the the_lj_revival community on 18th April, asking if other users were having the same problem as I've had in renewing my subscription for a paid LiveJournal account. I received some helpful comments from people who had taken the issue up with LiveJournal, suggesting the necessary course of action. I contacted LiveJournal admin the following day and explained that I've been on LiveJournal since 2003 and have had paid accounts during most of that time, but that I've been unable to renew my subscription since the previous one expired. I'm pleased to report that they responded on 23rd April, notifying me that they've granted me another free six-month 'paid' account extension. This has allowed me to resume work on sorting out my Scrapbook albums and I've also begun working through my old LiveJournal posts, restoring any missing images, editing and reducing the number of tags, and changing the privacy-settings to public where there's no particular reason for them not to be. I've started from February 2003, when I bought my first digital camera and began posting photos I'd taken with it on LiveJournal, and since 23rd April I've worked my way through the posts and Scrapbook albums as far as July 2003. In due course, I plan to post an index listing the posts I've edited and made public.

The longer I hang around on the utterly abysmal site that is Facebook, the more I miss all that's great about LiveJournal, but I'm really struggling to get back into a regular routine of posting here. I always hope that if I take my wee camera when I'm out-and-about and I find an excuse to take a few photos, that'll give me an excuse to post something, but that's not much good when the weather's as dull and grey as it is here in Edinburgh today. Maybe I'll have to resurrect the old 'daily prompts' template. I know it gets repetitive, but I don't think much can be done about that. My life was pretty unadventurous before I became ill, and now my sphere of activity is even more limited. But maybe boring, repetitive posts are better than none at all, at least from my point of view?


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