Baby's First Podfic!

Sep 26, 2011 23:17

Sooo, I've never before considered doing podfic because I pretty much hate my voice. But then I signed up for the Fall Fandom Free-For-All, and started looking at other people's lists for things I could contribute, and there were loads of people requesting podfic of their own fics (me included, heh). And when I started poking around their masterlists, there were loads of cool Brit fandoms there (Sherlock, Merlin, Good Omens etc) and I started thinking that, well, maybe an American who writes Britfic wouldn't be as horrified by my scratchy, squeaky Midlands tones as a native of Albion would be...

Yeah. I got a head of steam on me, and that never ends well. Then the search for equipment began. My computer refused pointblank to sync up with my ancient headset, so that was out. I found mention of recording podfics via Bluetooth, and thought, yay! I have a Bluetooth that came free with my mobile phone and has never been out of the box, I can use that! So I got it out and spent hours charging it, and then found that it won't sync up with my computer without a dongle, which I haven't got (now ordered, on eBay, from China - may be here by Xmas...). As a last-ditch attempt, I asked around at work and got lent a cranky first-generation digital dictaphone, which I have been playing around with all night. It's just a touch tinny; also, it records in .wma, and refuses to let me save-as other file types. *sigh* Ah well, it will have to do for the time being, until my dongle arrives.

In short, have a podfic. "The Last Snowfall" by ruuger. Discworld genfic, conversation between Granny Weatherwax and Death. 4m05s.

And don't say I didn't warn you about my voice, mmkay?
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