She's a Kaniac, Kaniac, I know...

Nov 25, 2010 01:24

Just got back to my hotel from the Christian Kane gig, I'm knackered and drunk and I can't type but I wanna get this down while the blood is still pumping, and I'll tidy up all the typos tomorrow when I'm sober!! (ETA: finally tidied up on 29th!)

So I got down to London without problem and found my hotel - family run, by Iranians, which is different (zero Iranian population in Birmingham) - and spent the afternoon slobbing around and reading slash.

Also found the gig no prob - Googlemaps is a wonderful thing! Fought my way through the crowd to the cloakroom, which was in a deserted back corridor, and I'd just handed my coat in when the door opens and Steve Carlson walks in!! I'm not one to waste an opportunity like that so I said Hey and gave him a blinding smile, and got a nice smile back. Then the door opens again and in walks Christian Kane with a member of staff, but they were talking and Chris was concentrating on that so I didn't manage to get eye contact with him as they walked past.

I went out into the bar and got a drink (OMG London prices, argh!) and then wriggled my way into the crowd. I got talking to Nikki and Lucy, the girls stood next to me. I could say it was serendipity, but... i pretty much stood next to them because Nikki was cute and sassy and pinging my bi-dar like fuck, and apparently it's working because turns out they're both bi! And we got on like a house on fire, mainly based on a mutual liking of Kane and SPN slash!!

And then the band came out, well actually they had to shoulder their way through the crowd from the back, and HA!!! they literally walked in between me and Nikki, uh huh, oh yeah. INCHES AWAY. And you wanna know the surprising thing? In real life, Steve is better looking than Christian! I shit you not! Which is not to say Chris isn't good-looking, but he looks a lot more boy-next-door in person, whereas Steve has this rugged tanned hotness that just doesn't seem to come through in photos. YUM.

It's a good thing I got to look at them close up a couple times before they hit their seats, cos OMG I barely saw the tops of their head s from that point on. McQueens is an absolutely shit place for a gig, there's no stage at all so only the first three-deep can see anything, and then halfway back, there's a STEP DOWN to the bar for fuck's sake, so the people at the back were getting bored and talking - they actually drowned out one of the slower, quieter songs, dammit! And there was this yellow spotlight shining out on the crowd which was fucking blinding half of us. All I saw of Chris and Steve during the gig was watching their reflections upside down in the shiny ceiling tiles, no fucking kidding. Awful venue.

The music was great, Christian's voice was every bit as good ( live as on recordings *dies*. The played lots of oldies and two off the last EP, and a couple of other things I didn't recognize. Didn't seem to be showcasing anything off the LP to be released next month, which was kinda surprising - I'm hoping that means the new songs are way too rocky to be performed acoustically, that would make me happy! They rocked the place with The House Rules, and Chris got really touched that we knew the words and sang along to so many songs - he said that even though it's great when Americans know their music, it means so much more to them that they come half-way round the world and all of us know it too. They were swigging enthusiastically from a bottle of Jack Daniels, and by the end of the gig, Chris was so blasted he forgot the words, ha! Fantastic music, my only peeve is that they didn't do Whiskey In Mind.

By the end of the gig, it was fairly obvious that Nikki and I fancied each other rather a lot. There was making out in the bar, and then making out in the queue for coats, and then the three of us went for further drinks in a pub down the street cos it looked cheaper than McQueens (stupid overpriced trendy shithole), and there was more snogging - which appeared to make the landlord very happy - he even let us stay for the lock-in after last orders!! - and teasing from Lucy, and swapping of phone numbers and emails and so forth. And then, as part of our trips home were in the same direction, we went off and got on the tube together. We sat down opposite a half-dozen nicely-dressed, well-behaved SE Asian boys, and Lucy was hissing "Go on, time to freak them out with your goodnight snog!" and well, we were drunk and horny, so um. There was snogging, and then the boys got off at the next stop, and Lucy was pissing herself over the scandalized, gobsmacked looks on their faces as they tried to pretend they weren't really STARING at us and getting off on it. Errr, let's call that a strike for slutty public bisexuality! Um. I TOTALLY PULLED A HOT BI BABE AT THE CHRISTIAN KANE GIG!!! A KINKY SLASHFAN HOT BI BABE. I love my fucking life! There have been a dozen text just while I was typing this, so i think it's safe to say we'll be seeing each other again in the near future!

And now it's 1:30am and I really have to lie down and get some sleep before I just plain pass out. Love you all!

gigs, real life

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