Monday I had my second ultrasound. Good news is, it started out well because it showed that my placenta has moved up, so now I don't have to worry about placenta previa. She is on the small side, measuring 2 weeks smaller than what she should be (although they are positive that I am 32 weeks, come Thursday). She's measuring 2 pounds 14 ounces. I'm not surprised or worried though - like I said in my last entry, small babies run in my side of the family.
The bad news is that there is a different problem now. It has potential to be nothing, but it also has potential to be serious. Thankfully she is fine, but the amniotic fluid around her that sustains her is low. Starting Friday, my doctor wants me to go to the hospital every 3-4 days to have a "stress test", or NST, done. Basically they will look at the pockets of fluid around her and monitor her heartbeat for about ten minutes or so. If they don't like what they see or they feel that her heartbeat is irregular/in distress, they will keep me in the hospital to further monitor everything. If there is enough of a problem, I may have to have her early. It's hard knowing that there was no way to prevent it and there's nothing I can do to help it (unless they put me on bed rest). Of course, this is all worst case scenario, but I'm still really scared for her. I don't want my baby girl to end up in the NICU. Like Rob said, she needs to take after her daddy and shack up in there two weeks past her due date.
The only other thing is that she's in what they call the frank-breach position. Meaning she's folded in half with her feet up by her face, and her butt is where her head should be. The lady doing my ultrasound said that 92% of babies would have settled into the proper position by week 32, but who knows, I could be in that lucky 8%. Chances are slim though. I have the same proportions as my mom, and my brother was in the same exact position and I was similar to it (like she said, "You weren't right either!") So I'm preparing myself for when my doctor will most likely schedule a c-section. I'm not worried about the c-section process itself, I'm just scared of having major surgery.
The past two days were pretty rough because there was a lot thrown at me in a short period of time. I still feel pretty drained and stressed and tired. But as long as my daughter is alright, I'll be alright. My baby girl is the most important thing in my life now, and she's not even here yet.
I've got
Here are the pictures from my second ultrasound:
This is my favorite one! Let's see if you can see it - it's a view of my babies face from the chin up. You can see her chin, cheeks, mouth, and straight up her nose! The ultrasound lady said she was practicing breathing.
I also had some 3D pictures done (though you can't really tell). I would have gotten more if her hands and feet weren't blocking her face. But here is her little fist up near her head.
With her hand above her head: