Aug 05, 2005 19:29
I havent posted in a long while. sorry. i havent done much at all... I hung out with Samantha at her house and watched tv and went swimming. the next day, she came over to my place and watched The Original Starwars trilogy, simply because sehs never seen it before that... she fell asleep during the first half of Return Of The Jedi.... After the movies, we talked for a while and played video games. Then she went home. The next day, i played some music and whatnot. The Day after that, I had Anthony come over to hang out, then Sam came over and we all played video games. A while into it, Sam and I went to jumped on the trampoline for a while, then we continued to play video games. Since then, i havent really done much.... just the ususal, Gaming, and Musical relaxation. Ive been talking to people online too. im out now.
If you wanna talk to me, call me.
or, ill be on MSN