Fandom meme from Novindalf

Dec 30, 2011 13:40

Your main fandom of the year?

Despite expectations (i.e. that Dr Who would be amazing), I think I've ended up fangirling Downton Abbey and antiques shows the most.

Your favorite film watched this year?

Well, favourite new film: Taken. Favourite rewatched film: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. (Have gone a whole year without seeing Star Wars IIRC.)

Your favorite book read this year?

Le Dialecte grec ancien de Chypre by Markus Egetmeyer. Yes, it's academic and it's in French, but it is awesome. I haven't actually read a single piece of fiction (except fanfic) for the whole year (blame academia for that too) until the last few days, during which I've been reading Indiana Jones and the Army of the Dead (Indy + zombies = win).

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?

I haven't encountered any new music, IIRC... But I did get a 50s CD for my birthday and that's fun to listen to. TBH, my favourite tunes of the year come from fandom, e.g. Indy and Pirates music, the DA theme tune, and the extremely catchy theme tune of Sleeper Cell.

Your favorite TV show of the year?

Downton Abbey. Some other things come close, but this is the one that's given me the most joy.

Your favorite LJ community of the year?

hoodland, of course. A wonderful phenomenon, populated by delightful people. Hm, is 'populated by people' tautology?

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?

Downton Abbey - I actually watched the first series right at the beginning of the year, having missed it the first time. Also, the remake of V, which is brilliant, and Sleeper Cell, which I've enjoyed a lot. Taken, if that counts (I don't know of a fandom, but I'd happily fangirl it). Oh, and also Lego Star Wars and Lego Minifigures - do those count? :D

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?

Well, the first one has been the general feeling that Dr Who just hasn't excited me this year. I managed a small squee at the appearance of Hugh Bonneville as a pirate. And there were some other extremely cool things - the Silence, Headless Monks, the skulls, the eye patches... But overall, I just didn't feel anywhere near as excited as I had done when watching the previous series, and think that's a shame because it had such promise, such unexpected promise, back then.

The second disappointment was POTC4 - not a complete disappointment, far from it, but as expected it didn't live up to the brilliance of the first film.

And the third disappointment was Spooks s10, which had its moments but didn't feel nearly as exciting as I think it should have done.

Your fandom boyfriend/girlfriend of the year?

Matthew or Robert from DA, the Doctor as ever, Hobbes in V, Christian in Sleeper Cell, Brian in Taken... and perhaps most of all a certain antiques expert. This reminds me of a third disappointment - a lack of new Richard Armitage material (though I do have Captain America on DVD to watch now).

Your biggest squee moment of the year?

Erm... I don't quite remember going *squeee* loudly at any particular thing, but I think my main points of delight have originated from Downton Abbey (some in the Christmas special, but I won't spoiler you) and antiques shows, with a little bit of squee at the halfway point of Dr Who IIRC, plus some near-squee watching Merlin. Oh, and also, when I first watched Taken earlier this year - amazing. And maybe a bit when I saw POTC4. And V, that has been briliant (part way into second series now, no spoilers please).

The most missed of your old fandoms?

I went the whole calendar year with no Sherlock, and correspondingly cooled a little over it (partly because I found the online fandom overwhelming!). But it's back on Sunday and I'm ready for more.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?

Erm, well, I don't know. Recommendations anyone? I might try to get into the DA fandom a little more directly, maybe by joining downtonland... but actually I don't envisage much free time so I may have to give that a miss.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?

Sherlock, which I hope will be good. The rest of V on DVD. Forthcoming antiques programmes. Taken 2 if that's coming out this year? And the new Resident Evil film if that comes out. The Hobbit, obviously! DA series 3, obviously. Dr Who, obviously (please please can we ditch River and have some good, exciting storylines this time?). Merlin. I'm sure I've forgotten something...

indy, sw, sherlock, music, spooks, v, dw, memes, lotr, academia, taken, robin hood, pirates, downton abbey, fandom, baaa, hobbit, indiana jones

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