
Feb 03, 2011 11:51

I'm picking up this meme from railise, who got it from mai_shiranui, who got it from missmovies...

I'm proposing that on Valentine's Day everyone posts pics of their favorite men and women and flood our f-lists with eye candy of the most meltable kind. Pitch it to your f-lists and just imagine that everywhere you turn gorgeous, interesting, beautiful, pretty, handsome people [and objects and places] of all variety popping up.


The bit in square brackets I've added to the meme myself (and indeed railise added some words too, so this is morphing quite quickly!).

I was thinking a bit about aesthetics and what people find attractive this morning in the shower for completely random reasons, so when I saw this meme it put a smile on my face :) Because I can sort of see how it might appear like a terrible sort of thing to promote (objectivising subjectively 'pretty' people, creating false and potentially harmful standards for 'beauty') - but I reckon recgonising and appreciating beauty is an amazing thing. I'll be quite interested in seeing how different people interpret the phrase 'eye candy'. I only wish there were a good way of conveying one of my favourite things about beauty in people, which is that you sort of have to see them move and talk to really get it... Maybe I could add the odd video link where possible. (If I get round to doing the post, which is going to require some time!)

P.S. I've sort of changed the emphasis of the meme here, and I realise that isn't how everyone will want to interpret it, and don't expect others to adopt my wording, and it's not like I'm not looking forward to all the fandom-related pictures I expect to appear :D

people, beauty, images, aesthetics

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