I'm answering for today and tomorrow, because tomorrow is going to be super-hectic (three hours of continuous DoS meetings at Homerton, then a long boring meeting with other Directors of Studies in the Faculty, then have to organise some furniture-related stuff, then matriculation dinner at Magdalene that I can't get out of).
Day 8: Worst exit
The second worst exit has to be Adam - so sudden, so shocking, and so sad (especially the little scene with Wes at the end). 7x01 was the first episode I ever saw, and I still found it shocking - but when I'd been back and watched seasons 3-7 and realised how much I like Adam as a character (even though he's a complete whinger!), it made it all the more affecting.
But the very worst has to be Zaf, which I find utterly heartbreaking. We see him for the last time in 6x01, using the threat of a hand grenade to sacrifice himself so that Adam can escape the nasty US-sponsored mercenaries while Zaf remains with them (and all this after he had an emotionally stretched time in Iran after being asked to detonate a bomb on a civilian train, which was followed by becoming infected with a weaponised virus transmitted by a man who had been set up to look like a threat to the UK but actually wasn't). Then during the series we get some hints about who took Zaf and why - and by the end his horribly mutilated body turns up at a British embassy in the middle east. They never really dwell on this, but for me part of the shock is that he didn't die of the weaponised virus (so I guess the people who took him from the mercenaries gave him a cure) but was tortured and passed between various hostile groups for what must have been months. The whole thing is utterly horrible, and the fact that Zaf is such a lovely character makes it all the worse.
Day 9: Favourite baddie
It has to be Connie. She was an awesome addition to the team - all old fashioned methods, and a non-nonsense approach founded in confidence that she's built up over the years. But then to find out about her betrayal in 7x07 (a brilliantly put together episode) is the most marvellous shock, especially when she murders Ben so horrifically. She's a great character, and her betrayal is disappointing ('that treacherous cow', as Malcolm puts it) but it's very very nicely done. In 7x08, she even redeems herself a little bit, sacrificing herself to defuse the nuclear weapon and making a confession to Lucas that makes him able to put his trust in Harry again. To be honest, I think of her (along with Ros) as a bit of a role model :)
1. Favourite episode? - A selection
2. When did you start watching? - 2008
3. Favourite guest star? - A selection
4. Favourite female character? - Ros
5. Least favourite female character? - Jo
6. Favourite location? Thames Barrier or the Grid
7. Best exit? Malcolm/Ruth/Ros
8. Worst exit?
9. Favourite baddie?
10. Least favourite baddie?
11. Favourite male character?
12. Least favourite male character?
13. Favourite couple?
14. Favourite quote?
15. Tom, Adam, Lucas: who would win in a fight?
16. Favourite actress?
17. Least favourite episode?
18. Most interesting plot?
19. Least interesting plot?
20. Plot that should have been developed/carried on?
21. An episode that made you cry?
22. Favourite actor?
23. Favourite personal interaction between characters?
24. Favourite quote?
25. Dream guest star?
26. Favourite dodgy government type?
27. What would you want to see in a Spooks movie?
28. How would you end the show?
29. Least favourite dodgy government type?
30. Something you learned from watching the show