Some questions about netbooks, please help!

Sep 10, 2010 11:44

Your advice would be very much appreciated for these questions.

- In terms of netbook performance, how much difference do you think I'd notice between a 1.60 GHz processor (Intel Atom N270) and a 1.66 GHz processor (Intel Atom N450)?

I'm going for cheap, and only want it for checking emails and LJ, storing work-related files, word-processing, and maybe hooking up for Powerpoint presentations.

- Is Windows 7 Home Starter OK? Will I be able to continue with it, or will I find I have to upgrade? Would XP be better or worse?

I'll mostly be using a basic web browser (probably IE 8 or Firefox - I'm well versed in the advantages and disadvantages of these!), and want to install MS Office Academic Professional 2010 (or whatever it's called) once I actually get round to buying it via Microsoft's academic offer.

- Do you have any comments on any of these types of laptops? (They are share the featre of 'relatively cheap')

HP 110 Pink netbook (yes, pink is cheaper... *eyeroll*)
Acer Aspire netbook
Acer Aspire D260A netbook
Samsung N210P netbook

- How much does battery life matter?

I'm prioritising this as an important thing (in the above list, Samsung is best with c.14 hours, and HP next best with c.9, while the cheapest of them, the Acer Aspire D260A, has only c.4 hours), because I'd quite like to feel I don't *always* have to lug the cable around if I'm just popping over to my office or the Faculty or whatever for an afternoon.

Many thanks in advance!

netbook, help, advice, computers, computer

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