I shouldn't be asking but...

Jan 31, 2009 13:42

Part 1:

Do you think men and women think differently? Either in the sense that their thought processes are different (or indeed speech patterns, etc.) or in the sense that they tend towards different behaviour or sets of beliefs or opinions? Do you have any good examples?

This was sparked by several recent debates. Oh, I wish I had the time to just sit around thinking about interesting stuff all day...


Part 2:

Do you think people from different geographical backgrounds think differently? Either in the sense that their thought processes are different (or indeed speech patterns, etc.) or in the sense that they tend towards different behaviour or sets of beliefs or opinions? Do you have any good examples?

This one I ask because I have very little experience of discrimination against women or disabled people or people of visually different ethnicity. But I do have experience of being bullied for being from somewhere different to most people in a set of people, so I might have something useful to say about that.

debate, discrimination, argument, discussion, random

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