Here's some nice non-time-consuming light relief:
Different users post a comment with a one-sentence story (or longer, if you like!) inspired by the icon in the comment or post they're replying to. So you might start off with a story about this icon I've used for the post, or you might start off with one of the ones I've posted below to start you off. There aren't really any rules, I don't think. There can be as many stories as you like about any icon used. And it can be fandom or non-fandom. So, um, go for it! As you start replying, it gets better because there are more icons to feed off.
ETA: By the way, the idea is to respond to people's comments containing little ficlets about the icon of the comment before. So you build up long chains of fics that aren't actually related to each other. Is this at all clear?
(If you want inspiration or indeed clarification, I got the idea from
this Safehouse Professionals-themed post.)