Fun exercise one: The line that could have finished off a movie
I stole this from some fellow Pros fans - we're doing it with Pros episodes. but I thought everyone could have fun with it.
You just give a line that would have rendered the plot of a movie (or TV episode, or whatever) pointless.
E.g. for The Princess Bride...
Buttercup: Farm boy...fetch me that pitcher.
Westley: As you wish.
< she smiles..[scene segues to sunset].they kiss >
[Scene: Bedroom]
Grandson: Hold it, hold it! What is this? Are you tryin' to
trick me? Where's the sports? < gravely > Is this a
kissing book?
Grandfather:Wait, just wait.
Grandson: Well when does it get good?
Grandfather:Keep your shirt on, let me read. "Westley had no
money for marriage, so he packed a few belongings
and left the farm to seek his fortune across the
sea. It was a very emotional time for Buttercup."
Grandson: I don't believe this! Actually, I don't want to hear it at all. I'm going to play a video game.
See? Well here's your chance to play :)
Fun exercise two:
Sketch swapping (and
about sketch swapping)
I found the link through Empre Online. It's this thing where you draw a sketch and submit it, and then you get to see how someone else drew their sketch in return. Drawing a sketch gives them permission to use it, so be sensible :) It's sort of liberating to put a concept down in a small space and then send it off into cyberspace, where you'll never know what sort of people will get to see it and what they'll think of it. But I suppose it's a bit like being a dead painter.