Torchwood returns

Jan 17, 2008 12:48

I think I sort of enjoyed Torchwood last night. It wasn't as dire as the really dire majority of the first series. The writers didn't seem to have grown up any and were still making it all about sex, though. Plus, the blowfish felt decidedly gratuitous (though it did facilitate a good line).

I don't know if it's just me, but Gwen is really getting on my nerves now. Her character comes across as completely full of herself for no apprent reason. I think she's still supposed to be convinced that she the innocent one with a normal life, but I'm not really getting any characterisation coming across from her. Are you? None of her interactions with other characters feels real any more.

Well, what we really want to talk about is Spike though, isn't it? Or Captain John Hart, as he is here. Is it me, or is his name a little too much like Captain Jack Harkness? Never mind that, anyway. As Tosh pointed out in an uncharacteristically outspoken moment, he's cute. Never mind cute, he's gorgeous. I don't like the character as much as Spike. I miss the very platinum hair. And the teeth. But I think I do like the character. However, I spent much of the episode disappointed at not having to finish myself off after the initial scene between him and Jack - it came across as cliched more than sexy. Their kiss didn't even look that... real (though the later one did). Oh well, whatever my misgivings about the plot, at least I can look forward to returning eye candy.

reviews, dw, torchwood

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