
Jan 15, 2008 18:16

It's a hostile old place, this internet, isn't it? I keep coming across arguments between various people. In fact, I feel like I have an unnatural level of access to other people's disputes.

Once upon a time, chancing upon some blazing row between two people felt like a juicy piece of gossip - because it was happening IRL, and I'd stumbled upon it quite by chance, and there were the two or more people getting worked up in front of me. OK, it wasn't just *juicy* (how heartless am I for thinking of that first?), it was more scary to participate in. I'd have a natural inclination to stick up for a friend or someone who was obviously in the right, but it would require special effort to barge in and put in my two-penneth.

Nowadays, people can have blazing rows over t'internet without seeing each other (or indeed knowing each other) IRL. They can spend time composing wordy insults and put downs, and then read the other person's reply over and over again while stewing. They can save all the written proof they need that X has been horrible to them, or stupid and wrong about something, and the words take on a kind of immortality.

And what's more, innocent bystanders[1] like me can't quite help barging in and saying *something*. All from a nice, safe distance, of course... and yet that distance is just so deceptive, especially the next time you have to see one of the combatants face to face.

I suppose it's kind of fun in its own way, but it takes all the pleasure out of a put down when it's recorded for posterity and can be analysed by anyone who cares to...

Disclaimer: I'm not talking about anything particular, except that something someone was saying reminded me of rows between a couple of people I tangentially know. No offence intended. And I haven't been involved in anything *too* flamey myself.

[1] Less of the innocent, I know ;)

lj, argument, discussion

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