
Jul 10, 2007 18:36

My interwebs hasn't been working well today. I couldn't get LJ for ages until just now, and it's been the same with Hotmail, the Emmerdale Forum, etc. - I've been getting 502 Bad Gateway messages. But I could check Hermes, so I did that. The thing is, it didn't seem consistent (e.g. I couldn't get Google, then I could...), so I figured this isn't a bunch of websites I frequently use having problems, but rather me having problems.

Then, five minutes ago, IE shut down and I got one of those Windows messages - it said one of my add-ons (specifically Flash9.ocx) had done something bad. But since then, here I am checking LJ and using Hotmail...

So what should I do? Fiddle with the add-on? Reinstall it? Go and sacrifice a bull to the altar of technology?

help, advice, tech

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