Help! (internet)

Nov 14, 2006 19:10

I have a problem connecting to the internet with my dial-up connection. I click connect, and it makes noises of dialling. Then, at the point where it should connect, it keeps making said noises. There is the odd strange noise coming from the tower (nothing clunky, but the odd vibration-type sound that I haven't heard before), and also while it's trying to connect the mouse cursor sometimes freezes and I can't move it. Sometimes, it eventually connects, and sometimes it doesn't and presents me with error message 678 (no answer). When I manage to connect, it only seems to stay connected for a minute or two at the most and then disconnects itself, then I have the same problem.

I've checked the connection settings and they seem fine. I've checked it's dialling the right number, and it is (and I tried dialling it with a phone and got the right sound, so it's not my ISP). I've run through the modem troubleshooting options and didn't find anything that fixed it. The only software I've installed recently is Art Attack, and I just uninstalled it and that didn't help. Tried restarting, also didn't help.

Er, help! I need my internet connection at home for all sorts of work-related things, so this is horrible :(

The only other thing I can think of trying is connecting my external modem and using that to try to connect, but I won't be able to find it for a few days.

Suggestions gratefully received.

help, tech

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