The Wisdom of Solomon (a thinking post)

Nov 05, 2006 14:16

Well, I was surprised that I didn't actually die through lack of LJ yesterday. In fact, I found not being able to check it quite liberating. It even allowed me to get some work done ;)

Anyway, my body is pretty much broken and defunct - I think over-exertion on Friday made matters worse. My Hallowe'en party, however, was absolutely lovely and populated by lovely people[1]. But as I was saying, I have teh ill at the moment and feel pretty much like an invalid. As often happens in such situations, my head is working overtime, so have some random thoughts and questions, and please do add your own in comments.


Now, I was thinking about Solomon. A classic tale of his wisdom and justice, if you don't know, goes as follows: two women are disputing which of them is the mother of a child, and Solomon's solution is to propose that the child be cut in two and shared, his logic being that the true mother will not want this to happen and so will allow the other woman to have the child, and when this happens it will be obvious who should really get the child. I have a problem with this, in that it presupposes that the woman who isn't the child's mother will say "Yeah, good idea, go ahead" when he proposes cutting the child in half. I therefore class this dodgy logic. Solomon should watch Labyrinth and think about working out whether someone is lying or not.


I read something about a seventeenth century catalogue today, and one of the items in it was something belonging to a nun (don't ask!). What we would write as 'nun's' was here written as 'nunnes'. This got me thinking about when the apostrophe first appeared in the English genitive. Does anyone know? I assume it is a contraction of an ending in '-es', but haven't ever read anything about it and was hoping to be enlightened.


I'm suffering from an unusual eczema flare-up at the moment. I'm not sure why. I know I've been avoiding foods that trigger it, as always. Is there something new in my diet? I can't think of anything. I haven't changed soap powders or anysuch. I've had quite a few insect bites lately, but not enough to cause the huge area of the itchy patch I have at the moment, and not in the right place. Meh, has anyone got any suggestions? It's not badly managed eczema (I'd got it down to zero itchy bits for quite a long time), it's clearly caused by something. Er, stress? Lung problems? Other?

OK, I stop talking now. I need to review this week's Robin Hood anyway ;)

[1] uisgebeatha - sorry I didn't reply to your text, I found I have almost not credit :( But don't worry about not being able to come, GWS and *hugs*. I'm at home for the weekend trying to recover, I'm afraid.

me, linguistics, questions, discussion, random, illness, help, philosophy, advice, wisdom

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