Randomness, with variously aimed thank yous

Sep 27, 2006 18:21

Firstly, thank you to people who made helpful comments about my camera. I *may* find myself in the market for a new one (though I was looking at prices today, and if I can't persuade myself that I don't need sound capture, then I'm looking at nigh on £200, which I'll never allow myself to spend on a camera...), but first I'm going to ask around a bit more as advised.

Secondly, I have inertia, which is probably right for the bit before going back to college. Working right now seems a tad pointless, and I think I can bluff enough for Torsten not to tut in my direction next week ;)

Thirdly, I have pictures from POTC2, I am happy! (ask if you wish for links)

Fourthly, is it true that POTC2 doesn't come out on DVD until December 5th? Because that's too long to wait, waaa! Especially given that there's a shot I want to screencap and won't be able to until then.

Fifthly, that meme I did resulted in people saying really lovely things about me, which made me feel all squeeful and slightly tearful. Thank you :)

thank yous, tech, random, pirates

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