Help! (general and digital camera tech)

Sep 20, 2006 17:00

I'm now back, by the way. I'll write up my trip tomorrowish - it was great :) I wasn't well while I was away, unfortunately, and now feel somewhat worse, to the extent that I may need to go and see the doctor and everything, so I'm not sure when I'll be seen among the living again ;) For now, though, since I have hardly any webtime, I just have a couple of questions...

1) Have I missed any news, gossip, good memes or anything else important since Friday? Any posts featuring things I might like to know or read about? How about what's happening in the world, because I've had no TV and no papers since Saturday? Do tell!

2) While I was away, my digital camera (simple Fujifilm 4M affair, very limited zoom and video facility, I've had it for maybe 5 years or so) started playing up. This began in the church on Lindisfarne and got worse (more frequent). I would take a picture, and even though the display on the LCD screen had looked normal when I took it, the picture would have strange green and purple fuzziness, usually to the extent that it obscured the picture. I did notice that sometimes the image on the LCD screen (not of taken pictures, just the image you have of what's currently in front of the camera) jumped a little, and at one point I took a short video and this jumped with added purple/greenness. Sometimes the pictures would become purple/green for many consecutive shots, but after a while normal ones could be taken again. The last pictures I took were normal, but at Corbridge in particular I had a lot of trouble, and no matter what I did, it seemed as though the purple/greenness was a random occurrence and not caused by anything I was doing at the time. The *only* thing I have changed wrt my camera practice recently is the type of battery I use, since I couldn't get hold of my usual Panasonic Max 3 and so ended up with Energizer - although this change coincides quite neatly with the problem, I don't see how they could be linked. But I'm no good with technology, as you know, and generally just know how to look after my camera but not much about how it works. So I'd be most grateful if those who know better than I would make suggestions as to what you think is causing it. There are some pictures of the strange phenomenon online here (click on the folder called 'Bad Camera'). Do you think it can be fixed, or am I looking at new camera time?

psa, help, advice, tech

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