A randomly music-themed post

Feb 17, 2006 11:44

Ooh, David Essex is going to be at the Corn Exchange in November! I would like to squee about this, but I'm not sure that I'd want to go and see it... well, OK, so I would, but it'd be fairly low on my list of priorities. Even on my list of people-I-want-to-go-and-see-playing-music (the Everley Brothers being top, given that Bryan Adams doesn't seem to be around the UK atm).

It's strange actually, but I don't know exactly what makes me attracted to the sort of music I'm attracted to. To sum up my taste...

Bryan Adams
Elvis Presley
Dean Martin
The Rat Pack, generally
50s r'n'r (not *just* Buddy Holly - there isn't much 50s r'n'r I wouldn't listen to)
50s not-r'n'r
some 60s r'n'r (but not particularly fussy on the Beatles)
anything ballady that might make me cry
anything ballady that is otherwise emotional
anything catchy

And, concerning modern stuff, the only artists whose albums I would actually like to own are...
Michael Buble
James Blunt
no, I can't think of any more

I think, maybe, this can all be summed up as music-that-gives-me-a-physical-reaction (though isn't that the point?), whether it be crying, or dancing, or smiling (Dino is particularly good for the smiling), or turned-on-ness (particularly by the sound of a sexy[1] male voice).

[1] That *I* find sexy. Well, when singing. BryanAdams/Dino/Elvis pretty sums up what I find sexy in a singing voice. Speaky voices are different - I like a deep voice, or an interesting accent, or, preferably, both.

Right, I go back to workies now.


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