Life and Chips

Aug 06, 2005 13:55

As I watch the new series of Doctor Who, it often occurs to me that some really big issues are treated, though often fleetingly because of screentime. And it occurs that the issues are worth raising and debating. So, I'm intending to have an on-going series of posts that were inspired by issues raised in Doctor Who, but taking the issues beyond their Doctor Who content. It is therefore not necessary that you get the DW reference, just that you have something to say about the issue. And, for future reference, these posts will always go under the title of Life and Chips. And today's issue...


The Doctor is often critical of humans because they are content with a life that involves eating chips. In the last episode, The Parting of the Ways, we see Rose forcibly returned to her former way of life, and this symbolically involves eating chips. The implication is that eating chips is a mundane activity, and Rose's "better way to live", as taught her by the Doctor, is supposed to be something which transcends the eating of chips.

However, we should also note that the Doctor is not averse to the odd chips. When Rose declares, "I want chips," at the end of The End of the World, he is quick to say, "Me too". And when he takes Margaret Slitheen out for dinner in bondage, he decides he wants steak and chips. So, chips are alright for a Timelord then. Question is, does he consider chips a very human impulse to which he lowers himself because he blending in with humanity for the moment? Or does he have his own desire for chips, a desire not rooted in the mundane world of humanity?

Personally, I think chips are good. Usually. Though I don't have a major chip fetish - I don't 'love' them, not the way I love chocolate. And I wouldn't even dream of having chips every night with my dinner.

So how do you feel about chips? A chore or a treat?

Disclaimer: I swear these debates will get more serious in the future - there's euthanasia and dysthanasia and WMDs to talk about yet!


In other news, I shall be getting to Oblivion at 6-ish *squee*

In yet other news, there is a Pride and Prejudice mood theme - go here to have a look. It's pretty squeeful.
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