Title: Embrace
firebird_88 Characters/Pairings: China, young!Russia (Ivan), young!Hong Kong, young!Korea, young!Japan, young!Taiwan
Length: 3,100+ words
Rating: PG
Warnings: Not historically accurate in any way. ^^; (Also, I refer to Russia as "Ivan" because he's really much too young to be considered any form of "Russia".)
Summary: Lost and confused, a very young Ivan wanders into ancient China. (Inspired by multiple fanart floating around the fandom/internet.)
Author's Note: Wrote this in one sitting with a somewhat 'train of thought' style. Maybe considered very pre-Russia/China, not sure. xD It's there if you squint.
Disclaimer: Hetalia is not mine.
The laughter of a young girl was the only warning Ivan got before he saw them.)
Links to my journal. x-posted to
hetaliafic ,
rochu_squad , and