Nov 04, 2008 23:57
My friends, never again will I live in fear that Sarah Palin could possibly actually affect my life one day.
Or have to sleep and wake and breathe with the knowledge that that Rapture-raving, Alaskan hick, wolf-slaughtering, subversive cunt would be next in line for the nuclear codes.
Never again will I have to hear John McCain (god bless him) utter the words "pork barrel" from his shaky old man jowls, or wonder what exactly a total "spending freeze" might mean to me.
And for at least the next two years I shall not have to dread the effect the religious Right might have on my uterus.
I am a happy voter.
For the time being, I am at peace.
sarah palin! fuck you!!!,
fuck that idiotic cunt! fuck you