May 16, 2009 21:46

At the end of April, after weeks of being in pain, my grandfather was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Rapidly progressing stomach cancer. Rapidly progressing already very progressed stomach cancer. The cancer was not found earlier on due in part to the fact that my grandfather saw a PA THREE TIMES before he saw his real doctor, whom he had been going to for over 30 years. The doctor gave him less than 3 months to live. This is a factor.

Shortly after this, I found out how little my grandfather was eating; his last meal was Easter dinner, and he hadn't been eating regularly before that. My mother, who was the only caretaker for him at the time, told me she didn't think he had three months; probably a month at the most. This is a factor.

My first plan was to leave after the last week of classes, since I didn't have any finals; save maybe one, for my Critical Thought class. So, I emailed the professor:

Hi Brad, [For the record, we were told to address him as Brad; his email address is even]

I was just wondering if we are still going to have a final for
this class on the 14th. I would like to be able to get back home
as soon as classes are out due to a family matter, so it would be
great if I could get all work of my remaining work done before
the 9th or so.


His response:
We will NOT be having a final on May 14.
My goal is to conclude the class on May 9.

Brad News from home wasn't any better and my coming home seemed more urgent, not only to see my grandfather but to help my mother out with taking care of him and my grandmother, who has Alzheimer's. At this point, she was still the only one there to help them and I was the only one with a schedule flexible enough to come home. So, I sent another email:

Would it be a problem if I missed the last two days of class?
-Rochelle With a response of: The last week? Probably. Given the fact I have to miss April 30...
that cuts a lot off of the end activities.

 After the language in this email, I realized I probably hadn't explained my situation thoroughly enough, partly because I didn't feel it necessary to share my life story with a professor; especially one I don't hold any respect toward. But, nontheless:


It would really be helpful if I could somehow make up the last week
of activities in the next week. My grandfather was diagnosed with
terminal cancer last week and my mother is the only one taking care
of him and his affairs right now. It would mean a lot to me and my
family if I could be there to help out. I can provide documentation
if necessary.

Thank you,
And the response: I'll try and develop some ideas; all things considered, it would be
the difference between, say an A and an A- if you did not make them up.

You've been pretty present in class, hopefully it's been a good
experience, but you need to address the family issues, and that takes
a lot of time.
Try and develop? TRY AND develop? That's supposed to be an infinitive first of all, but thanks Brad. I like it better this way. It makes it sound more like you WILL ACTUALLY develop some ideas. Which, of course, you didn't. This I found out today. I checked my grades on OneStop, and there she was. An A-.

To be honest, I never responded to this email, but I had a few things on my mind. My dying grandfather, final papers, packing up and leaving in the next week. Plus, he made it sound like he would provide me with make up work. So I thought I was in the clear.

Furthermore, none of his emails seem to express any sympathy toward my situation. He makes it seem like I'm some sort of burden to him. Excuse me, but would it really be that hard to provide makeup work for a class that is mostly discussion? The only thing we're graded on aside from discussion and participation is turning in these weekly "activities", which are probably more heavily weighted than anything done in class.

RANTING ASIDE, I just sent another email to him, this time a little more distant.

Hello Mr. Hokanson,

I recently checked my grade posted for this class and saw that I received
an A-. I am wondering why I received this grade as I was never presented
with a makeup option for my absence.

Thank you,
Rochelle Rogers And so, that's the end of the situation right now. If he has an unreasonable explanation for my grade, I will take the next step in appealing his ass. I just hope it doesn't come to that. I know it seems silly to be protesting an A-, but it's a difference between a 4.0 for 3 credits and a 3.67 for 3 credits, for no reason. And really, it could happen again to someone else who was in a worse situation grade-wise if I don't speak up.

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