Apr 21, 2007 09:09
It is sort of a lazy Saturday morning, so I thought I'd update a bit here. Aunt Keen is working (I know, on a Saturday, ridiculous!) and I'm not 100% sure what Uncle Mark is doing... but I think it has something to do with the backyard because I just heard Ringo scramble off the bed and down the stairs. Speaking of... when Ringo goes down the stairs, it's hilarious. He is extremely long legged and the steps are sort of steep, so he half waddles - half runs down the stairs. It's like he can't decide if he hates the stairs or not so he gets down as fast as he can and isn't very confident while doing it. I laugh. Even better is when he wants to go up the stairs! He stands at the bottom with his front two paws on the bottom step and sort of dances around while wagging his head back and forth until he makes up his mind that he actually can climb the stairs (as if he doesn't do it every day, multiple times a day). What a funny dog.
In other news, I have less than a week left here in Minneapolis. I am excited to see school friends and my family again, but seriously this has been such a great vacation that I don't want to leave. Sort of like Liz Lemon on 30 Rock the other night, how she wanted to stay in Cleavland because she was on a vacation high... except I'm not Tina Fey, this is Minneapolis, I've been here for more than a weekend, and Jason Sudekis is not my boyfriend. Although he kinda looks like Jim, so I wouldn't be mad if he was. ANYWAY, the point is... I've had my own room that is all things awesome (not all cluttery like my room at home, although that is technically my fault), two awesome dogs to play with and laugh at when they are being ridiculous, plenty of chances to go shopping and eat out at some seriously fantastic restaurants, and time spent with my Aunt and Uncle whom I love very much because they are awesome. Like me. It runs in the family.
Speaking of things that aren't sad... L-ame has started a podcast. Sorta. We're working on the details. Oh get this, you'll laugh... I'm the, oh shoot! I forgot my title!! Anyway, something about being some sort of director, and Josiah is the technical director. So we're trying to find our footing there to get this ball rolling. It will be good practice for hopefully becoming a DJ someday. BTW... finding a good job isn't easy. And work source is a pain in my butt.
Also, my best friend is getting married in June. It's pretty much going to be the greatest party the 3Cities has ever seen.