Manics! Manics! Get yer over-educated homoerotic Welsh Situationists™ here!
For those of you (I know you're out there) having a tough time with challenging jobs and stuff; some caps of pretty Welsh men. (Not Peter Wingfield, this time.)
And for those who've been promised copies of Forever Delayed dvd; I haven't forgotten. Sony dvds are a tough nut to crack, but I will.
I can't resist linking again to this site that
edeainfj mentioned this week. Is this real or a spoof?
Is my child becoming homosexual? Mother of God. The topics listed in the sidebar are even better.
And to the question, 'What do we know about homosexuality?' the inevitable answer has to be, 'Fuck all.'
I got my
Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook Multi-Fandom Challenge this week. Hmm... I foresee spending some time in the West Highlands... should be fun.