Title: Strange Occurrences
Characters: Clark Kents and Lois Lanes
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1000
Disclaimer: WB, the CW, and DC own.
AN: For
saavikam77! An early b-day fic because Bruce/Selina are not cooperating and this bunny wouldn't leave me alone! Also post Superman Returns and doesn’t include any of this season’s Smallville.
“How many Ps in therapeutic?” Lois asked typing the last bit of her recent exposé to send to Perry. She looked over her shoulder towards his office, “Richard?”
Clark poked his head from Perry’s office, “He left early. You told him it was his turn to pick up Jason. And, uh, there’s only one P.”
“Oh, that’s right,” Lois mumbled, deleting the extra P and watched as Clark stepped awkwardly out of Perry’s office. Likely leaving a hard copy of his latest story on the desk. Lois couldn’t help the small smile that made its way to her lips, “Thanks, Clark.”
“Anytime,” he smiled warmly. He’d been waiting for a time to be alone with Lois. There were so many things he wanted to say. To ask. About Jason. About them. But it was never the right time. Except now they seemed to be alone. He looked around to make sure, using his x-ray vision to see through the floors below. There was no one anywhere near them for five stories. He swallowed nervously. It was now or never.
“What is it?” she was going to ask, when the entire building shook. She pushed her chair back and stood up, “Did you feel that?”
Instinctively, Clark moved towards her, his hand stretched out protectively in front of her. He looked through walls and floors, but there was nothing. Then, suddenly, he heard someone ask Lois if she was all right. It was a voice he’d never heard before coming from a man he had never seen and a woman who was…quite stunning.
“Told you, Smallville. It was-whoa,” Lois looked at Clark, then back at the pair standing in front of them. He was tall and kind of cute in that nerdy way. Wore glasses and an unflattering brown suit. She was short and pretty and probably a size zero. Or was there a smaller size than zero? Lois crossed her arms under her chest, “Where’d you come from?”
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Lois asked, pushing Clark’s arm away. She would have to talk to Richard and his uncle about getting better building security.
The two women looked at each other. Eye narrowed suspiciously. Neither giving way.
Clark’s gaze traveled from the angry women to the other man. He looked harmless. Maybe they were the newly hired reporters Chloe had told him about, “Hi. Clark Kent. Are you new here?”
“Um, no,” Clark looked at the younger man and shook the extended hand, “I recently came back from, um, a long trip, but I’ve been working here for a while. And you are?”
“I…” Clark half-grinned, “I’m…Clark. I just said-”
“You’re…Clark Kent, too?”
The building shook again. In the blink of an eye, another couple appeared next to them.
“I told you, Smallville, I’m fine. Don’t worry so much.”
“You’re my wife, Lois. Of course, I’m going to worry.”
“Wife!?” Lois yelled, forgetting about the first couple she was trying to explain appearing before her very eyes out of nowhere and staring from the newly appeared pair to Clark and back in disbelief. That woman had called him Smallville. He had called her his wife! She wondered if her cousin had anything to do with this. It had to be some kind of joke and if Chloe was responsible, Lois was going to kill her. She stepped towards the other ‘Smallville’. “Don’t tell me you’re name’s Clark Kent, too?”
Lois’ eyes sparkled with annoyance at the young woman, “Yes, he’s Clark Kent,” she spoke slowly and deliberately as if speaking to a child, “I’m Lois Lane-Kent. What’s it to you?”
“Lois Lane-Kent?” the other two Lois’ repeated.
“Oh, crap,” Lois turned to her husband, “I think it’s another one of you and your friends’ alternate realities, honey.”
“No, not mine,” Clark protested, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. But maybe the earthquakes had something to do with it, which could mean… which wasn’t good and if they were alternate versions of him and he of them, then…oh, boy. He looked at the other two men, “I could use your help.”
“Ha! And what do you think, Smallville, here, can do?”
After making a face at Lois, Clark nodded solemnly, ready to help, but not before scanning the man in front of him to make sure it wasn’t a trap. That’s when he saw the “S” under his regular clothing like the one that had been seared into his skin. He narrowed his eyes in concern as he scanned the other man. He too had a similar “S” underneath.
Clark wasn’t sure what could be happening, but for Lois and Jason, he was prepared to do anything. He looked at the married Clark, “Let’s go.”
The building shook again. By the time it stopped, the visitors had disappeared.
“Did that really happen?” Lois asked straightening the picture of Richard, Jason, and herself that had fallen on her desk. She looked up, “Clark?”
But Clark had gone to check on his son.
Clark looked around the office trying to avoid making eye contact with Lois. He was dreading the awkward conversation that might follow, except that the married Lois and Clark looked so happy… He turned to find Lois writing something down frantically on a notepad.
“What are you doing?” he asked
“Making sure I include everything that happened because Chloe’s never going to believe this.”
“Hmm. You think everything’s back to normal now?”
“Looks like,” Clark replied. He’d contact J’onn just to make sure. He looked thoughtful for a moment then reached for Lois’s hand, “You think they’ll be all right?”
Lois grinned, “Oh, they’ll be fine. Don’t forget, it took us a while to get here too, remember?”
Clark smiled at her. It had taken them some time, but it had all been worth it. He looked at his wife and with no one around the office, pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Yes, it had been worth it, indeed.