Title: Mile High Club
Characters/Pairing: Power Girl/Rogue, Cyclops, Wildcat
Rating: PG
Word Count: 435
Disclaimer: DC and Marvel own.
AN: for
dcu_freeforall prompt # 11-battle and the
DCUFFA 2010 Summer Challenge (original prompt
here: Superpowered fight leads to superpowered sex). Oh and I wasn’t sure if it’s possible for Rogue to absorb Kryptonian powers…but it is here! ;)
Next time Scott had the brilliant idea of working alongside another team, Rogue would tell him exactly where to stick his brilliant plan. Surely, he sent her because he figured any one of the boys woulda been too distracted to do the job. Heck, Rogue was distracted. And that was despite Power Girl’s bad attitude. Though to be fair, anyone who has just been absorbed tends to be a bit ticked off.
Well, what was done was done and they had a job to do. They flew in for a closer look at the old warehouse. Power Girl seemed impatient to get inside.
“Sugah, Ah don’t think-”
“Rogue, was it?” the blonde turned to face her. “You’re not here to think. You’re here strictly as back-up. Got that, sugar?”
She was about to add something else when Rogue threw the first punch.
Power Girl didn’t look too happy as she emerged from the hole in the ground, dusted herself off, and charged. Rogue readied herself as the red blur approached.
It was all happening so quickly. Kicks landed, punches thrown, backs shattering whatever was hit. They were angry, sweaty, and out of breath. The warehouse was all but destroyed, as were their costumes. And then, somehow, things changed. They weren’t trying to shove each other off or send the other to another continent, no, they were grabbing and touching and kissing each other.
They lost the remains of their tattered clothes somewhere along the Atlantic. Possibly. Both Power Girl and Rogue were too busy to notice.
For a brief moment Rogue had wondered and now she knew, Power Girl tasted divine. And she felt even better against her bare skin. Rogue was careful not to absorb her again and simply held on tight as she enjoyed the ride.
Power Girl now understood the fascination with the mile high club. Grinding and kissing, hot mouths and slick fingers, all while the cool breeze caressed whatever parts were untouched.
She laughed as she spun them in the air again. It was her turn to be on top.
Scott was sitting on his desk, his face impassive. Rogue knew what was coming.
“Rogue, do you want to explain why the remains of Power Girl’s suit were found in Spain and yours in Brazil? Or why the X-men are being sued for the damage suffered by both The Coliseum and the Great Sphinx?”
Wildcat tracked her down to the kitchen, he was practically giddy. Karen knew what was coming.
“What?” she crossed her arms.
“Nothing, nothing,” he grinned, “Just wanted to be the first one to say, welcome to the club.”