Oct 17, 2004 02:41
ok so homecoming.. way way way way way to much fun! i cant even explain how much fun i had.. even be4 we got there we met up at lesless house and our bus was already there! so like 40 of us all got on the bus and even be4 we got on the expressway mostly everyone was drunk and having sooo much fun! bottles we just being pasted around people were dancing!!! and when we got to the dance i couldnt stop dancing i was having so much fun! i got one of the center pieces but i left it on the bus when i got off to go to the hotel! i feet were killin me tho, never wearing high heels again! lol the hotel was kool we stayed at the sagamore, and we went to the beach and just hung out in the room there was alot of us there and i am happy we didnt end up getting kicked out.
ahh PeAcE.